Best Window Brands of 2024: Expert Picked

Things To Consider When Choosing a Window Brand

Quality and Durability

First and foremost, quality and durability are top concerns to note for every window brand. Windows, like doors, roofs, or HVAC units, are an investment. Sure, some windows can be cheaper than others – especially if you’re only replacing one or two – but odds are you’re looking at an average starting price of at least $200 to $900 per window. The last thing you want to do is invest your money in windows that won’t last the average lifespan of 20 years.

Some companies advertise ultra durability, like Simonton, whose windows are all rigorously tested and come with an AAMA Gold Label. The quality comes from the distributor’s window construction, while durability is derived from the materials used.

To make a wise investment, carefully browse each brand’s website for information on any testing or specific materials used.

Energy Efficiency

Having windows that prioritize energy efficiency is largely beneficial for your home since these windows provide better insulation and temperature control. The good news is that new and existing homes can replace current windows with energy-efficient ones. It’s possible to save up to 50% on your energy bills by switching to energy-efficient windows since they retain heat and air much better than old windows, or ones without this function. These windows are designed with a specific type of glass that blocks UV rays to regain control of your home’s heating and cooling, which standard windows don’t do.

Style and Design Options

Have some fun with your replacement windows by looking at upgrading your window style and designs. All window brands on our list offer design choices with various trim colors, shapes, and hardware accessories to create a window unique to your style. Prior to going through with your consultation, spend some time discovering the type of window you’d like to replace your current one with. Browse lookbooks, magazines, or social media for modern window designs. Then, browse each window brand to see if it offers similar styles or color choices that can best match your vision.

You won’t fully know the customizable options available to you until you go for a consultation. Sitting down with a window specialist allows you to work with a designer to curate a window design that best fits your aesthetic preferences. Harvey Windows + Doors offers the most selections with 12 styles that are fully customizable, so if style is one of your most important considerations, this is a great brand to start with.

Noise Reduction

For homes in a loud area, noise reduction is likely an important feature for your new windows. We love noise-reduction windows for the extra quiet they bring to a home, but an important consideration is knowing how these operate as they need to be installed behind the existing windows. Thus, if your current windows need to be replaced and you’re looking for noise-reduction windows, you will need to look for two different types of windows.

From our research, the best window brand for noise reduction windows is Soundproof Windows Inc. Though they offer a solution for reducing the noise in your home, remember that the noise will not be fully canceled. Soundproof Windows advertises that they cancel anywhere from 75% to 95% of noise, so expect to still hear loud sounds (though muffled) with these additions on top of your replacement windows.

Maintenance Requirements

Part of investing in replacement windows is understanding that maintenance will be involved on some level. The good news is that all of our best window brands promote easy-to-maintain replacement windows. The key to caring for your replacement window is choosing the right material.

Fiberglass, vinyl, and aluminum windows are easy to maintain; the hardest is wood. Wooden windows are prone to rotting and decaying from weather or insects and have to be aesthetically maintained by routine refinishing. Before you invest in new windows, be honest with yourself about maintenance levels and how you plan to manage upkeep. Windows typically only need to be cleaned twice a year, but materials like wood may require more of your time and effort throughout the year.

Warranty and Customer Support

Investing in replacement windows means more than the actual purchase. After-purchase support is important to consider and evaluate in your selected window companies. Window brands typically offer some sort of warranty that protects your new windows from any issues, but they don’t always offer the same type. For instance, Marvin Windows only offers warranties between five and 20 years for specific parts of windows, while companies, such as Milgard, Castle, and Pella, offer lifetime and limited-lifetime warranties. To know what the best type of warranty is for your windows, review each brand’s options in-depth to see what specific parts of the window (glass, frame, hardware, etc.) are covered in the warranty.

Along with warranties, we suggest understanding how post-installation customer service works with each window brand too. If you start to experience issues with your windows and need maintenance, windows brands should offer support in scheduling a service request with ease either by filling out an online form or calling a service number.

Price and Value for Money

Budget-friendliness and aesthetics aren’t the only factors in choosing a window brand to go with; value for your money is top concern, too. Since windows are an investment that isn’t cheap no matter how many windows you replace, it’s vital to spend time researching each brand to compare prices and what you get for your investment. Ask for a detailed quote from each company that provides a cost breakdown for materials and labor. Some companies require an upfront down payment and offer financing that helps with payments.

We like that companies such as Renewal by Andersen and Pella Windows are transparent about offering financing and yearly specials. Pella Windows often offers promotions specific to your area after you insert your zip code on their financing page. If you know replacement windows are on the horizon, check these brands for specials that will help you budget for new windows.

Installation Process and Professionalism

With any home remodel comes some disruptions to daily life, and the same is true for replacement windows. As you consult with each window company, inquire about the installation process, so you understand what to expect during this phase of the project. One specific question to ask is the qualification of the contractors who will be installing your windows. How experienced are they? Have they completed similar projects with the same window style?

Also, inquire about how long the installation process will take. Replacing windows is not a long process – usually only 30 to 60 minutes per window – but each project has a unique timeline that’s important to know since it could disrupt your day-to-day living.

Specialty Designs and Technology

If having the latest and greatest innovative technology or unique design is a top priority, then it’s important to check what specifics are available with each window brand. For example, Pella offers smart technology for its windows that’s mobile app-compatible and allows you to check the status of each window (if they’re locked/unlocked or opened). Milgard has a SmartTouch lock feature that reconfigures the traditional bulky twist-to-unlock window lock into something more sleek and subtle.

Most window brands also offer a specialty collection of windows in terms of aesthetics and designs. These selections are stunning to put in your home to up the drama in terms of looks, but whether you choose modern technology or a cute design, be prepared for a price increase as these are luxury inclusions.

Reputation and Customer Reviews

Researching the reputation of window brands you’re considering will not only give you a better understanding of the window performance, but previous customers will offer insight into customer service. Customer reviews are always tricky to navigate as no business will be perfect with only glowing reviews and 5 stars, but don’t let a few bad reviews outweigh a ton of positive reviews.

The best place to check for window brand reviews is not on the brand’s website since you will likely only see reviews left by happy customers. Start your search with the company’s profile on the Better Business Bureau website or Consumer Affairs for a broader spectrum of reviews. Pay close attention to response times, interactions with customer service representatives or contractors, window quality, and hidden fees.

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